
EuroSDR / ISPRS Workshop on Oblique cameras & Dense Image Matching

The EuroSDR / ISPRS workshop on Oblique Cameras & Dense Image Matching will bring together experts and users of Multi-platform Photogrammetry and High Density Aerial Image Matching technologies to discuss  recent developments and present latest results.

The event has a free registration fee and will be held on 19-20 October 2015 at the Ordnance Survey's headquarter in Southampton, UK.

The technical program is available online and will feature presentations from NMCAs, academia and industry.

The dinner on Monday evening will be kindly offered by Leica Hexagon.

During the event, demos of hardware and software will be given by Aerowest, Leica, IGI, nFrames, Pix4D, Vexcel and VisionMap.

Looking forward meeting you in Southampton!
The Organizing Committee

Please contact Fabio Remondino: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

Ort Ordnance Survey's headquarter in Southampton, UK