6th Doctoral Colloquium
of the DGPF Working Group ‘Geoinformatics – Methods’
16 December 2022, online event
Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite all PhD students to the upcoming and sixth Doctoral Colloquium of the 'Geoinformatics – Methods' Working Group of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF). If you are not a PhD student yourself, but supervise any or know of potentially interested candidates, we would appreciate it if you could forward this email accordingly.
For the first time, this year's event does not have a set theme. Instead, our motto is to give PhD students in geoinformatics or geographic information science (and related fields) an opportunity to discuss their ongoing research, open problems that have arisen, or other aspects in a setting beyond the well-trodden paths of everyday institute life. In this way, besides networking, an exchange of fresh perspectives from beyond one's own lab can take place and enrich doctoral research. Furthermore, experienced academics will provide short inputs on various topics of the academic business and life. The event language is English and we are looking forward to both domestic and international participation!
The 1-page abstracts of 200–300 words according to the abstract guidelines should be submitted by 25 November 2022 latest. Please note all further details from here:
Kind regards
René Westerholt & Franz-Benjamin Mocnik