
ISPRS Hannover Workshop 2017

HRIGI17 - High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information

CMRT17 - City Models, Roads and Traffic

ISA17 - Image Sequence Analysis

EuroCOW - European Calibration and Orientation Workshop

Hannover, Germany
June 6 - 9, 2017

Scope of the joint ISPRS event

Sensor calibration, image orientation, object extraction and scene understanding from images and image sequences are important research topics in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Computer Vision and Geoinformation Science. In these tasks, geometry and semantics both play an impor-tant role, and high quality results require proper handling of all these aspects. While individual algorithms differ according to the imaging geometry and the employed sensors and platforms, all mentioned aspects need to be integrated in a proper workflow to solve most real-world problems.

This observation has led to launching a common event for a number of well-established scientific meetings under the roof of the ISPRS Hannover Workshop. While HRIGI and EuroCOW are more on the geometric side, CMRT and ISA have a legacy in automatic object reconstruction and trajec-tory computation. The organisers of the 2017 edition of these workshops believe that significant synergy can be achieved by bringing the various scientific communities together in the same place and at the same time in order to discuss recent developments and future trends in research in automatic object extraction and their influence on sensors and processing techniques. While we intend to have common plenary sessions in this event, the individual workshops will keep their identity as each session will be dedicated to one of the workshops only.

The aim of the common event is to seek, exploit and deepen the synergies between geometry, semantics and sensor modelling, and to give the different scientific communities the possibility to discuss with and to learn from each other. At the same time the advantages of focussed specialised workshops are being maintained. The joint event addresses experts from research, government, and private industry. It consists of high quality papers, and provides an international forum for discussion of leading research and technological developments as well as applications in the field.

Topics and paper submission

You are encouraged to contribute to the event by submitting unpublished research in the areas of

  • Small satellites and satellite constellations
  • Exploitation of high resolution space images
  • Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)
  • Sensing technology and unconventional platforms
  • High-resolution SAR from air and space
  • Hyperspectral imaging
  • Sensor and system calibration, integration and orientation
  • New GNSS constellations and MEMS inertial sen-sing for online and offline trajectory estimation
  • DEM generation and surface deformation from SAR
  • Automatic object extraction from terrestrial, aerial and space-borne images, LiDAR, and SAR, with a focus on an urban context
  • Detection, 3D reconstruction and update of city models, roads, vegetation and urban infrastructure
  • Updating of existing 3D city models and road data bases and automatic texturing
  • Global landcover/landuse, change detection
  • Rapid mapping for environmental applications and disaster management
  • Quality assessment of automatically extracted topographic objects
  • Machine learning and data fusion for urban scenes
  • Image sequence analysis
  • Object detection and tracking for applications in robotics, autonomous driving and mobile mapping
  • Dynamic scene understanding
  • Integration of images, motion and vehicle models
  • Security/surveillance